KMUN is a Model United Nations conference that is held annually in Kabatas High School, Istanbul since 2013. Model United Nations, is an educational simulation and academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
East Asia Summit was held at Kabatas High School in 2016 to discuss the issues as follows;
I. Fighting against the threats posed by Non-State actors in East Asia
II. Promoting regional political and economic cooperation
III. The South China Sea dispute
Mutual understanding produced from exchanges between people and cultures possessing different backgrounds from one another is an indispensable element in nurturing trusting relations and developing friendly relations among countries and people.
We aim to hold Turkey, Korea, Japan and China Summit with the participation of high school students and teachers from Turkey, Korea, Japan and China. The first summit will take place in Turkey, the other ones will take place in the aforementioned countries. The agenda will be announced later.